Cole started crawling this week and we are so proud of him!

He loves playing with the camera and practically mowed me over trying to get to it. I love this shot!

Of course, he's into everything and we're starting to try and baby-proof. Any good tips or ideas to make this whole transition-to-toddler thing easier?
How fun! Your little monkey is going to get into everything. I was told that you should make him his own drawer in the kitchen so that he can open it and play with things in there without getting into other things... but I don't know, I've never had kids:
p.s. I love the picture with trying to eat the camera. Too cute!
Your house is about to change forever!! All kidding aside, I only had to move all of my breakable, low-lying decorations until the kids were old enough not to want to touch them anymore. By about 2, my kids loved their toys way more than my knik-naks.
Hooray for Cole! Boo hoo for you :) The worst part for me is going to the store after they learn to crawl. All they want to do is get down! And, all I have to say is gross on that. He is sure growing up fast and I'm so glad that we reconnected so I could see your cute family grow.
My advice: Hold on tight. You are in for a long and bumpy ride.
I agree with giving him his own drawer to have his things that he can get into and put locks on the rest of your lower cabinets and drawers. That is what we have done and has worked for us, but you kinda have to see what works best for you. I would suggest a gate for your stairs as well if you don't already have one, we don't have stairs at our house since we don't have a basement, but my mom uses one at her house and it keeps me from worrying! I had to move all my things off the floor and lower cabinets as well, they were just too tempting for my little kiddo's. Hope you can find something that works for you. Thanks for having us over tonight, we had a great time and we definetly need to do this more often.
Put all your breakables or things you don't want him to have up high where he can't reach them. Put locks on doors you don't want him to open like under the sink where you keep chemicals and get covers for your plugs. Don't worry about covering or locking anything he can't reach, that is just more work for you. Get a "fence" to keep him from going down the stairs, or block it with something.
Here's a fun tip...
Just get rid of everything you love. That way he wont get in to it!
Start with the bathrooms...and quick! I have one story or another about all of our kids and the bathroom once they were mobile. Flooding, TP, shoes/forks in the get the picture. :)
Such a fun time though. You will be so happy watching little Cole move and shake on his own. They are so proud of themselves!
Aside from Feng shuing of my furniture or I should say the opposite of (as you saw our little barricade), I have just resolved myself to the fact that everyday my family room will be a complete disaster and every evening I get the fun task of putting it back together. I am slowly becoming a minimalist as I remove items with breakable potential, which is surprisingly everything when you have kids. Good luck.
The last picture deserves a metal. I love it so much.
He's such a cute boy, who needs decoration in your house? He's enough.
Love ya,
Aunt Randa
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