Thursday, June 13, 2013

Some Zoo Fun

Nothing says summer like a trip to Hogle Zoo with friends.  Jack had never been before, (I know, right?!) and he loved seeing all the animals.  Cole was very excited to see the Lego animals on display.

Cole and Isak "enthusiastically" flapping their wings:
"So, let me tell you about what happened at school yesterday..."
The whole family:
Some of our favorite folks:
These boys make me smile.  Best friends for life.

Recent Cake B'ness

I never thought I would have so much fun NOT making wedding cakes.  Birthday cakes have become my new favorite thing!  In the past few months, I've been able to do some fun new things:

Spiderman for a super adorable 3-year old:
Star Trek Emblem for a Trekkie's big day:
An Indian-inspired cake for a Bollywood bash:
And some completely adorable (if I do say so myself) little birds for a baby shower:
Good things really do come in small packages!

Look Who's Two!

We were very luck to be in St. George to celebrate Jack's 2nd birthday.  I cannot tell how much we love having Jack in our family.  Our favorite things about Jack are that he is:

A Fashionista (this boy sets his own rules)
A good little brother who wants to do absolutely everything Cole does
Did I mention stubborn?

We've also loved hearing him start to talk more and more over the past year.  He has an adorable little accent, and it can take some work to figure out what he is saying sometimes.  Here's our handy field-guide:

Da = Yah
Farp = Fart
Bru-ess = Brutus, his favorite dog
Man = Spiderman, Iron Man, or Batman.  Depends on the day.
Cakes! = Pancakes
Jack Drop Floor = I dropped something completely vital on the floor, and if you don't get it soon, madness will ensue.
Sad...Cryin' = How dare you make me go to bed?  Don't you know there are forts to be made?
Giraffe = Any dinosaur that has a slightly long neck.

I cannot believe the past two years have gone by so quickly.  I'm trying to remember these toddler moments - snuggling Jack in my lap as we read stories (last book, Mommy?), how he squeals and runs to us when we come to get him from school, and how he chases Cole around the house being the bad guy, laughing and nearly running into almost every item of furniture.  We love you Jack, and all the chaos, noise, and joy you bring to our home!