Over the weekend, we had some of my sorority sisters out for a BBQ. It's so crazy to me that we met all the way back in college. (I know, I know, it's like a whole 5-6 years ago.) I'm just glad that we still are able to get together. It's also fun to see how everyone is "growing up."
Amber, Lance, Sadie, & Sawyer

Heather & Chad

Cindy & Shawn

Steph, Cassie, & Shawn

Emma & me - we match!

I apologize to Jenn for no pic of her family - wrangling 3 boys into a picture can be somewhat difficult!
Matching Binkies...

Cole especially enjoyed Sadie's sparkly jelly shoes.

All of the kiddos. How can there be so many?!

Boy talk around the fire.

The girls - I'm not sure why mine's blurry. If anyone got a clear shot, would you email it to me?

Thanks to everyone for a good time and great food. We should do it again - Cowabunga Bay anyone? :)
How fun!!! I want in next time-it's been ages since I last saw everybody!!
You got it! :)
Loved all the pictures. Mine of the girls is also blurry, guess next time we can't have the husbands taking the pictures! lol
It was so much fun and I think we need to do it once a month. Thanks for having us out! ALSO, Will you email me the picture of my family. It's one that both my kids are actually looking at the camera!
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