Lots of fun things have happened in the past weeks that I've been wanting to blog about, but have somehow let pile up instead. So, I present to you the random events of Casa Thomsen! (Beware, long post ahead.)
First up - Bryce and Danielle take the baby out shootin'. I've never shot a gun before (hard to believe, right?), and Kelly & Jeremy agreed to take us. We drove out past Tooele and had our way with a couple of 22s. Who knew it could be so fun...and therapeutic?
Our book club was also able to meet this month, which was awesome. Tom & Stacey have a new little boy named Grey who is completely adorable. He's had a challenging start to life - he and Cole were born the same day (10/9), despite the fact Grey wasn't due until December 18th! I can tell they will be great friends. Watch out ladies!
Cole learned how to roll over...and take a ride on Mommy's shoulders!
I tried my hand at cake decorating. "Tried" being the operative word.
I love that babies big blue eyes. They just melt my heart.
I've done solids with two now, and I can't say that there is really a right way or a wrong way. I'd start with rice first, and make sure to make it really thin, or he'll gag on it. It will probably come right out of his mouth the first few times. Just keep trying. And whether you try veggies or fruits first is your decision, I don't think there is a right answer or wrong one, although, some doctors would say start veggies first.
I enjoyed all the Thomsen happenings...you've been having lots of fun!
As far as the solids, yes start with that yummy {not} smelling rice cereal. I like to try veggies first just because once my babies have fruits they put up more of a fuss over the veggies {who can blame them?} My kids have also always done really well with Sweet Potatoes. Just some thoughts, but really Mama knows best. :)
I agree with both comments about baby foods. We did the rice first and then did veggies and then fruits. I have also heard that if you do the fruits first then it is harder for them to like the veggies. My kids love Sweet potatoes and Squash the best and most all the fruits. The peaches were a bit strong for them and I have not really tried them much again. Sawyer gaged a lot more than Sadie did on some of the thicker stuff, so on the Rice do make sure it is a little less thick at first so he gets use to it. And just play it by ear and like others said Mommy knows best and just try a bunch of different things and see what he likes, and you will have to just keep trying spoonful after spoonful till he gets use to using a spoon and then he will be a pro! Good luck and have fun. It can get messy but he will love it!
Joe takes me shooting every once in awhile, too. It's fun! Fun that Cole went, too. Your cake is cute!
Looks like a ton of fun!
For solids, my Dr has a plan I followed that I think worked well, but do what you think is best!
We started with (1) Rice and Oatmeal
then went to (2) orange veggies
then (3) fruits (pears and peaches)
then (4) green veggies
Give it a week with each step so their stomachs can get used to it and you can look for allergies.
Also make sure you change it up with the foods that loosen and the foods that constipate so you don't end up with problems.
We have fun!
I, for one, am very impressed with your cake decorating skills.
Hope things are working out with the solid foods...
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