Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It May Not Be The NY Times...

...but I'm still excited! I started a fitness program at work, and was interviewed about it by a reporter for the Chronicle (the U's Student paper). Here's the article - I'm just impressed the guy got my last name spelled correctly!


Shay said...

What a fun idea, in shape just in time for summer! Good luck with it!

Lili said...

Way to go! If you are interested, i've go t a fitness blog where a bunch of family and friends post every time we excersice. Just a fun way to keep us motivated. Good luck!

Andrea said...

He even spelled it correctly on more than one occasion. Congrats for getting published. And great idea! Good luck with it!

Jenessa said...

Since we've met, I've admired the motivation/excitement you've had for everything that you've taken on--way to go! If anyone can get everyone excited abt a program (fitness or otherwise), it'd be you. I'm sure many will succeed. Neat article!:)

Josh and Anna said...

Hey you're famous! What a fun idea, way to go Danielle!