Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cole's Big Adventure

You may have seen the ridiculous coverage of the gas leak at the University (must be a slow news day), but it provided quite the adventure for Cole. At about 12:30, they made the entire day care up at the U evacuate. Usually, they would go to the Field House across the street, but that was part of the evacuation too. So, they bundled all the babies up, loaded them into cribs, and rolled them down to East High School, which is about a mile away.

Cole slept the whole time.

It took them a little while to notify us, and so it was about 4:00 by the time we got there to pick him up. He got to sit in a dirty diaper and drink a cold bottle. What an adventure! Unfortunately, they had to get out of the day care so quickly, they weren't able to bring anything - even car seats. The area was still closed, so we were horrible, horrible parents and held Cole all the way home. Luckily, we made it home just fine, despite the evil looks other motorists were shooting me. I don't blame them. Britney Spears comes to mind...

Anyway, we're just happy everyone made it home okay. Plus, I got to leave work a whole hour early. Can't beat that!


Shay said...

I am glad everything worked out okay! Thankfully, the helicopters taking his pic over head didn't wake him. It is lucky this didn't happen yesterday too with all the snow! What a big adventure for such a little boy!

The Petterssons said...

So glad he (and you) are fine. (I think it is pretty funny that they rolled the babies down the street)

Strong Family said...

Glad he is okay. And what an adventure you'll have to make sure to write it down somewhere so you can tell him when he's older.

David and Jacquee said...

Yikes! I can't believe that it took that long for them to contact you. You'll have to keep the pictures so that you can show him when he gets older of the field trip that he took. I hope he didn't catch a cold from being outside so long.

Beth said...

Remember Danielle, it's the Babies! Cars turn every which way, no traffic single and babies crossing the steet! What could have happened!? I think you should get the news report from channel 2 and play it over and over so he understand just how much danger he really was in.

jenn said...

Whew! That is quite the adventure. I had no idea!

The cribs rolling down the street takes the cake. If it weren't sad it would be one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

Glad you all survived your ordeal.

Randa Pickle said...

I can't believe that he was moved in an crisis. I'm glad you were close and able to get right down there. I'm glad it wasn't raining on him. He'll survive without a car seat, mostly all my kids didn't use one. Of course that was 30 years ago.....

Love ya,

Mom of three ♥ said...

That is such a crazy story! I could not believe when I saw them on tv rolling cribs down the street, that must have been a real sight to see if you were driving by them. Glad he slept through it all. That is scary you had to drive with out a car seat. Did you also have to drive him back the next morning with out a car seat? Glad you made it safely. I bet you were getting lot of looks. :)That will be a wild story to tell him when he gets older.

Becky said...

I thought of you when I saw Cole on the news! J/K!!!!

Beck said...

AH!!! I KNEW it when I saw that on the news that Cole was there. I cannot believe you had to go through that- I would have totally freaked. I am glad yo uare all safe!

Cassie said...

I am glad you can stay relatively level headed in situations like this... I might have paniced a bit. It really is too funny. Can't lie.

Jenessa said...

I heard abt the evacuation but didn't realize what they did with the daycare. How crazy. Glad everything was ok. That is funny to think of cribs rolling down the streets to East High!