Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Six Months Old!

We simply can't believe our little guy is six months old. Everything people tell you about kids is true - time goes by so quickly, yet it seems like Cole has been a part of our family as long as I can remember. He still seems so small to me, yet when I compare this:
to this:
I'm blown away by how much he's grown. I think my favorite part is watching him make all kinds of discoveries and how excited he gets by each one. I love how he rotates his hands back and forth in front of his face like he can't believe they're actually his. I love how he pats my face and brushes his fingers through my hair. I even love how he eats his rice cereal. We tried it over the weekend, and he did a great job! I adore this picture - he's like, "What? I'm just sitting here eating this nasty cereal and you feel the need to take a picture of me? Thanks."Anyway, we love you, Cole - happy 6 months!


Cassie said...

His eyes are sooooo blue!

The Petterssons said...

Time does fly! He is so cute!

Shay said...

I love his eyes, those pictures really make them pop. What a cutie!

jenn said...

Happy Half Birthday, Cole! You are cute enough to eat.

Kelly Porter said...

Cutest kid ever!

Stacey said...

Can you believe it's already been six months! Crazy!
He's just adorable!

David and Jacquee said...

What a cute little boy!

Jenessa said...

Those bright blue eyes are so beautiful! Has it really been 6 months? What a cutie!

Heidi said...

Look at those eyes. What a cutie.

Mom of three ♥ said...

He is so darn cute! He sure has changed a lot in 6 months. And yes they do grow way to fast, I only have 3 more months till my babies are a year old and it makes me sad, even though they are at a fun age now it makes me sad to be putting all their baby baby stuff away. Glad he is grwoing well and that you are enjoying him so much.