Friday, April 17, 2009

Shots, Art, Girlfriends, and Kisses

Cole had his 6 month visit to the doctor's this week. He is now almost 18 pounds and nearly 29 inches. Maybe one day his height will even out with his weight, but I think it will be a while! He also got three shots, but didn't cry nearly as much as the first two times. Good job, buddy!
His school also coordinated an art project for all of the kids for the March of Dimes. They put all of the "pieces" on display at the Union building up at the U. I made sure to take a picture of Cole's piece:
You may notice the other picture I took - this is of a little girl in Cole's class - Greta. She is officially his first girlfriend. Apparently, they sit in their chairs and hold hands and talk to each other. Adorable!!!

Cole has also learned to give kisses. Girls everywhere watch out - he uses lots of tongue! All joking aside, they are so precious, and I absolutely love them.


The Petterssons said...

I hate when Cassie gets shots! He is growing too fast, but is so cute!

Mom of three ♥ said...

That is so cute about him and Greta! I can't believe he is already 6 months! I hope we will get to see you next Thursday.

sweet pickles said...

I love that he has a girlfriend. Adorable.

Heidi said...

So sweet. I love the picture of the kisses!

jenn said...

Okay that picture of him giving you a big fat smooch is adorable!

A girlfriend already? He's sure going to keep you on your toes. :)

Aprile said...

It's not until you are a mommy that you find joy in having someone slobber all over your face!

Cassie said...

I knew he would be a ladies man.