Tuesday, December 30, 2008

So This Is Christmas...and What Have You Done?

Made Sarmas (a Yugoslavian tradition) with my Grandma Allen

Enjoyed the traditional Girl's Night Out - Christmas Edition - with the Salty Ladies. (Don't ask.)

Took cute naked baby pictures of Cole.

Enjoyed the now infamous Barber family Christmas party.

Bursted with pride to see my little guy play the perfect Baby Jesus.

Let Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Randy spoil Cole all they wanted.

Stuffed myself silly. (No picture required!)

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and best wishes for a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas to All!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. It has been a wonderful year, and we are so blessed to have such wonderful, thoughtful, and caring friends and families in our lives. We truly appreciate everything you have each done throughout the year; especially all the help when Cole was born. The gifts, the meals, the babysitting, and shoulders to cry on; these were so meaningful to us, and we couldn't have done it without you.

As the year winds down, I always feel the need to reflect. Things are definitely a little scarier than when the year began - especially when you consider the state of our economy. With so many struggling around me, it makes me appreciate
things in my life I may not have thought of before. I'm truly grateful Bryce and I are both employed, have a roof over our heads, food to eat, and a warm bed to sleep in. I'm thankful, more than words can say, that our little boy is healthy and happy, and pray it will always be so.

Thank you again for each of you and for the treasured memories you gave to our family this year. Merry Christmas and a very happy and healthy New Year to you and yours!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008


As a follow-up in the now infamous Kiddopotomous Incidents, I present the following: (Keep in mind, this is exactly how I found him, blankets completely kicked off, Kiddopotomous gone, and sideways in the crib.)

I think that Bryce and I may be in for it when he becomes mobile...

Graham Cracker Fun

Both Bryce and I love making graham cracker houses, and this year, the Thomsens got together and had some fun building them.

Cindy, Leslie and Darin making the first attempt....

...and, unfortunately, failing miserably.

Brock, Leslie, and Hayley

Cole, Cindy, and Mitchell

Bryce and my creation. Sadly, it took the both of us putting our heads together to come up with this simple plan.

Linds and Hayley - matching PJ girls!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Kiddopotamus Incidents

Bryce and I have been swaddling Cole in a wonderful little blanket called the Kiddopotamus since he was born. It seems to really help him sleep longer at night. Well, we're wondering if it is time to put the Kiddopotamus away. He manages to get various limbs out of the tightly wrapped and velcro-ed blanket every night. The evidence:

How the Kiddopotamus should be worn.

The toga - one arm and one knee out.

The mermaid - both arms out.

And the most impressive feat of all - the straight jacket. Both arms still in, but the legs kicked free.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Growing Up Already?!

I can't believe that Cole is 6 weeks old today. It has been the longest and shortest 6 weeks of my life. (If you have kids, I know you know what I mean.) We have been blessed with such a cute and healthy little boy who has begun sleeping for 7-8 hours in a stretch. (Knock on wood!) He's already gained over 2 pounds and grown almost 2 inches since he was born. Yikes! As you can see from the picture below, he's already getting too tall for 0-3 month clothes, although he hasn't begun to fill them out. Yep, he's our long, skinny boy.

But, the best part is that he's begun smiling and talking to us. It really does make it all worth it!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Leaving Dad in Charge

Last Saturday, I left Bryce in charge of Cole while I went to run errands. This is what I returned to:

According to Bryce, he "forgot" to put Cole's pants back on after he changed a diaper. Oh well, it makes for a funny picture and a perfect shot of my little boy's chicken legs.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Witnessing History

I have been a little reluctant to bring politics into this blog, but I would be negligent if I didn't express my feelings this morning. I am not very good with words, so please bear with my attempt!

Many of you know that I have been an Obama supporter throughout the past year, so I'm obviously very happy with the election results. But, as I watched the results come in last night, and our next President's speech, I felt the full impact of the historic moment. In my lifetime, I have often taken for granted the equal rights that were secured for me by other courageous individuals. As a woman, a hundred years ago, I would not have been allowed to express my opinion by voting. The idea seems ludicrous - just as ridiculous as a person not being allowed to vote because of the color of his or her skin. I am not naive - I realize discrimination still exists today - but it is hard for me to imagine that level of hatred. It is then with amazement and excitement (and a small sense of shame that it has taken this long) that I witness this historic election.

As I watched the election coverage, a particular moment really stuck out to me. A reporter relayed a story of interviewing an African-American man in Harlem who was asked how he felt about the election. The man responded that now, when his son asked if he could be anything he wanted to be, that he could look that son in the eyes, and honestly answer yes. In that moment, I thought about my own son, and how, he too has all the opportunity to choose his own path through life.

Anyway, thank you for bearing with me through my soap-box post. I do hope that this election may have the power to unite the country, and that we can all truly work together to make it better.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Fun

For Cole's first Halloween, we decided to keep it low-key and spend the evening with my parents. I don't think that bothered them one bit. :)

My mom with a bright-eyed Cole.

My dad with a not-so-bright-eyed Cole. This is just before he jerked his head away from the burp cloth and spit up all over my Dad's shirt.

Cole's first Halloween bib. It was heavily used.

I think the "Snack-o-lantern" onesie was very appropriate.

Bryce's brother and sister-in-law gave Cole this adorable tiger costume. It stayed on for longer than I thought it would.

Bryce and I "dressed up" as frazzled, sleep-deprived, new parents.

Hope everyone had a great Halloween!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Many Quirks of Cole

So, we've made it through the first two weeks, and have managed to keep our little guy relatively safe and well. Even though it's still early, we've already discovered some silly quirks Cole has. Anyone want to place bets to see which ones stick?

1. He absolutely hates having his diapers/clothing changed. On our two doctor visits, he had to have his heel pricked both times for blood. Did he make a peep? Nope. But when it came time to take off his clothes so he could be weighed, he screamed bloody murder.

2. He has a freakishly strong neck. When I put him on my shoulder to burp him, he raises his head up and bumps his way almost down the length of my arm. I have to raise up my elbow to keep him from flopping all over like a fish.

3. He is non-stop hungry - even if he's just spit-up half of what he just ate because his eyes were bigger than his tummy. Hence the binky and burpcloths.

4. He has little chicken legs.

5. He has the cutest smile - even if it is just gas.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Baby Blues

Hey everyone! I don't mean to be a downer here, but I'm having a serious case of the baby blues. For those of you with kids, did you experience that bit of depression? And, if so, about how long did it last? Thanks for any advice!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Naughty Boy

We decided to give Cole a bath yesterday morning. We had done such a good job getting him all clean-smelling, and were just about to tackle the diaper area. We pulled off his diaper, and apparently that cold air just hit him.

Not only did he pee, he sprayed it into his own face.

Good job, buddy.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


He's here!!!!

We are so excited to introduce you to Cole Steven Thomsen.
He was born on October 9th at 4:40pm.

He weighed in at 7 pounds 11 ounces and measured 21 inches long.

With 53 hours of labor, 3 hours of pushing, and the use of forceps, Mom is pretty tired and sore but so happy that he made his arrival healthy and well. Dad is just happy it's all over! Here are some pictures of our new little cutie.