I have decided that if I would just eat like Cole, I would never worry about my weight.
Example A: Completely ignoring chicken strips and fries to eat veggies. Extra points for eating all of the Lima beans
first, followed by peas, then carrots, then corn.

Example B: Disregarding cheese for grapefruit. Yes, grapefruit. I fed it to him as a joke thinking he'd make a funny sour face. Nope. Instead, he ate the
entire grapefruit.

Example C: Turning his nose up and actually pushing a forkful of cheesecake away.

Hmmm...do you think I could make millions marketing "Cole's 7 Day Cleanse" diet?
I love it! Sign me up for the diet immediately - do you think my skin will look like his? NOT.
It was a good example for us when we ordered fried cheese sticks at Red Robin and our child preferred the lettuce it came on. I wonder at what age our bad eating habits will rub off on them?
What a great eater. I wish I could get my kids to eat that way. What are you doing, that I am not?
I am the same with Jen! My kids will not eat fruits or Veggies. They love Chicken and fries.. I guess they are atleast eating something. Ahh..
Do it! Write the book! You'll make millions and we will all be skinny:)
I of course would buy all the copies and follow none of the reommendations. Bring on the cheesecake!
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