Friday was Bryce's birthday - the big 3-0! With a complicated cover story, I had planned a big surprise party for him on Saturday. The story worked, and Bryce was genuinely surprised.
As you can see from the picture, so was Cole...not in a good way.
We were so lucky to have such great friends and family there!
Bryce's family
My mom and dad
The McPartlands and Porters. The arcade unit was a big hit with the guys. The "womenfolk" gazed on adoringly.
The college group
Aaron and Lisa
Mike, Heidi, and Shan were there as well. I swear I got a picture, but I think the evil camera fairy took it. I'll just post this one of Bryce getting his butt handed to him in ping pong by Mike.
The 30th Birthday Pie. Don't look too long, the light will burn your retinas.
Cole loved playing with balloons and eating pizza and pie.
In honor of Bryce's love of video games, I made a Super Mario Brothers cake. Doo doo do, doo doo doo doo...
The games were awesome - especially the pool table.
My homage to a recent episode of "Community." (If you're not watching that show, shame on you!)
Overall, a pretty good way to celebrate. Thank you to all of our family and friends, and Happy 30th Birthday, Bryce!!!!
Bryce's family
You can see a hint of Heidi and I in the background of the arcade shot. (That's good enough for me) What a fun birthday! You set the 30 year birthday party bar pretty high for the rest of us turning 30 this year. :) BTW: Your cake was amazing, I don't think I got a chance to tell you.
This place looks great. Glad the surprise worked out. And your Joel McHale is spot on.
Thanks for the invite to the party,we all had a great time! And your cake was awesome.
Your party was a huge success - so how do we top that for your big 30th? Great pictures of everyone having a good time. We loved having Cole sleep over - he's a riot!
LOVE the cake!!!!! You do such an awesome job!!
Awww--looks so fun! Where was it at? I miss all you guys. Glad Bryce had such a great party and yeah, that cake rocks!:)
Happy Birthday, Bryce! And yet another amazing cake, Danielle. Woo-hoo.
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