Sunday, March 14, 2010

Clean it Up

Cole has gotten really good at repeating words - trees, trucks, please (pweez), thank you (too too), and even poop.

Today I met the dark side of that ability - the one every parent warns you about.

As I was moving onions to the skillet, I dropped a bunch on the floor. My recently cleaned floor. So, I said the first thing that came to mind to express my frustrations: "Sh@#!"

Cole helpfully repeated me.

I best get myself a swear jar.


Stacey said...

Oh, how funny is that?! Thankfully Grey isn't there yet, but I'm sure it will come soon enough. Good luck--I know I'm going to need it. ;)

Andrea said...

Ha ha!

Cassie said...

Hey- we all know he will end up swearing sooner or later. What is the hurt?

Kidding, of course.

jenn said...

Oh, the joys of being a mother. It's always a bit of a wake up call when our little ones say the things that we say and it sounds hideous coming out of their mouth! Just wait until he starts saying, "Mom, we don't say that word!" :)