Yesterday was such a fabulous day. Bryce has been working tons (up to 80 hours a week), and we both really needed a break. My mom and dad were so nice and volunteered to watch Cole, and we took a cooking class together with Britt, Corey, Kelly, and Jeremy.
Check out our apron'd "prom picture!"

We made breaded chicken with a mushroom stuffing, spaghetti squash, sauteed asparagus, and creamy risotto with peas. SOOOOO delicious!

For dessert, we made a chocolate lava cake.

After, we headed to Kelly's for girls night. Her acre of land has turned into "Porter Farms," complete with horses, chickens, and crops. Her and Jeremy just remodeled their kitchen, and it looks absolutely gorgeous!

We also watched "New Moon." I'm sorry to all those die-hard fans out there - it was so unintentionally hilarious it was awesome. My favorite quotes from the night:
Kelly, "If Jeremy were a giant chocolate cake, I'd have a hard time not eating him."
Britt, "If a guy in high school dressed in tuxedos like that, we would have shunned him and thrown milk on him."
Anyway, we had lots of laughs and ate lots of delicious food. How can you go wrong?!