Lots of fun things have happened in the past weeks that I've been wanting to blog about, but have somehow let pile up instead. So, I present to you the random events of Casa Thomsen! (Beware, long post ahead.)
First up - Bryce and Danielle take the baby out shootin'. I've never shot a gun before (hard to believe, right?), and Kelly & Jeremy agreed to take us. We drove out past Tooele and had our way with a couple of 22s. Who knew it could be so fun...and therapeutic?
Our book club was also able to meet this month, which was awesome. Tom & Stacey have a new little boy named Grey who is completely adorable. He's had a challenging start to life - he and Cole were born the same day (10/9), despite the fact Grey wasn't due until December 18th! I can tell they will be great friends. Watch out ladies!
Cole learned how to roll over...and take a ride on Mommy's shoulders!
I tried my hand at cake decorating. "Tried" being the operative word.