Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jack!

I cannot believe that Jack is one.  This year has absolutely flown by.  We are so proud of the progress Jack is making, and were so very excited to celebrate such a great milestone for him.  We had an update from his doctor, and he is growing and progressing well.  Compared to babies his actual age (1 year) not his adjusted age (10 months), he is in the 20th percentile for weight, the 60th for height, and the *gulp* 90th for head size.  It's just because he has such big brains!  He is not crawling, but his doctor was not concerned.  He gets around by scooting around on his bum, and she says he'll be walking soon enough.  It's earned him a new nickname at school - you guessed it - "Scooter." 

On Saturday, we had a wonderful party with our families.  I promised myself I would take more pictures...and then of course, didn't.  Here's what I did get:
Jack had an adorable whale hat to wear.  You can guess how long that lasted.
Because Jack has a slight problem with solids, we decided to give him some pudding instead of cake.  I think he enjoyed it.
Thank you again to all our families - all of us, especially Jack, are so lucky to have you!


Nancy Allen said...

Love these pictures! He is such a darling.

Cassie said...
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Cassie said...

The house looked fabulous in your "little squirt" theme. Jack is just ... I am at a loose for words. But, you know how I feel about him. Just happy I could be there to see this little guy turn 1. I am so proud of him. A real fighter and a real hell raiser in the making!

jenn said...

So, so, so, so cute! Love your theme and decorations and amazing cake and that sweet boy! I can't believe he's 1 already! Happy Birthday, Jack!

Stacey said...

Wow, the year went by fast! Happy Birthday to Jack! I'm so glad to see he is doing well!

Becky said...

Wow! Jack is bigger than ALana who was born the day after her due date! He is a cutie!!