Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cole-isms - The Dreaded Subject

I knew it would happen sooner than later.  I just was hoping maybe I wouldn't be around when it did.  That dreaded question, the one many books have been written about.

"Mom - how do babies get out of their mom's tummies?"

I have always prided myself on my anticipated response to this question.  "Well, Cole, the baby comes out through the birth canal."  I grinned to myself, feeling like I had effectively, yet simply asked the question.

More proof that I am an idiot.

Cole just looked at me.  "What's the birf canal?" he asked.  


So, I did what I thought was best, and with the technical terms (no hoo hoos or front bums here) explained how babies come out.  

He gazed at me seriously for a moment and then asked, "Does it hurt?"

Oh boy, does it.  

"Yes, Cole, it does hurt.  But mommies are so excited to meet their babies that they are willing to do it."

"Do I have those parts?" He asked.

"Nope, just girls," I reassured him.

Immediately, the concerned look left his face. 
"Oooh.  That's really good."

Yep, bud.  That's really good.


Stacey said...

That's awesome. Grey has asked why I don't have a penis, but a simple "because I'm a girl" has worked so far. Good luck with that one. ;)

Nancy Allen said...

Handled very well--he is just too smart at too young of an age. But you'll find that if you are honest and upfront, he won't be afraid to come to you in the future with any and all questions. Makes for a great relationship (something like we have...I think).

Cassie said...

Nailed it. You did well :) I don't even want to think about that conversation.... yuck.

jenn said...

Giggle, giggle, giggle.

Yep, super fun conversations. Pat yourself on the back, you passed!