Saturday, June 19, 2010

To My Dad:

Dear Dad:
for telling the best jokes,

for all of your sound advice,
for jump-starting my car in the middle of an intersection,
for never complaining, no matter how hard it gets,
for teaching me how to be a hard worker,
for teaching me the value of a well-timed belch,
for being such an amazing Grandpa to my little boy,

Thank you.Have a wonderful Father's Day! We love you!


Cassie said...

Randy is one heck of a uncle, too. Always full of a clever comment and joke to make you giggle.

jenn said...

Awe, so sweet! Love that Uncle Randy.

Randa Pickle said...

Randy is a great Grandpa and I know Cole loves him. He was a great uncle to my kids as well. Cole is a dear.