Friday, June 4, 2010

Now Entering the Terrible Twos

Temper tantrums
The maneuver I've termed "The Limp Bizkit."

It's come early. It's probably also the teeth, but we're definitely entering the Terrible Two phase. Cole is testing the limits and Mom is learning how far her patience can stretch.

Which sometimes isn't far.

I know that I've got it pretty easy most of the time, but try telling me that when I've got an armful of screaming, angry, struggling little boy.

It's hard to stay mad, though, when you catch gems like this:
Putting his own shoes on:"Reading" to his carefully arranged stuffed animals:
Enjoying his new slide.
Seriously. Can't stay mad.


Shay said...

The term "Terrible two" is more of an approximation - really it overlaps other ages. You will be able to enjoy these antics well into the 3's and even 4's if your lucky. It is good that they make up for any annoyance with loads of fun, sweet filled moments. My favorite is the reading circle. It is amazing how they pick up things like that.

Beck said...

Oh he is just so cute. It is funny they say terrible two's- I think it should be "terrible from two on." The tantrums never stop once they start- it can make a woman crazy at times!! Have fun :)

Nancy Allen said...

There seems to be no whining or temper tantrums when Cole comes to play with Grandpa Allen. I wonder if it has anything to do with Grandpa doing everything that Cole wants him to do!

Strong Family said...

Jonathan isn't even 18 months yet, and he will throw himself on the floor and scream. It's going to be a long couple of years. tantrums aren't easy, they aren't suppose to. Cole is just testing his boundaries, be patient, and remember there is nothing wrong with letting him just scream it out as long as he isn't hurting himself or others. I'm on my third child, and it doesn't get easier.

Nancy Allen said...

I love the story reading picture to all of his favorite animals. I simply adore him - tantrums and all.

Mom of three ♥ said...

You are not alone! I have two terrible two kiddo's running around my house! And wow can they throw some tantrums! Sadie the most, but Sawyer gives me a run for my money some days as well.. I love them to death and also can't stay mad very long because they come up with the sweetest little faces and it just melts my heart!

Josh and Anna said...

How cute is the picture of him reading to his animals!! That is the sweetest thing I've seen all day, maybe all year:) Thanks for posting these!

Cassie said...

I want to one of those carefully arranged stuffed animals.

Andrea said...

Oh my gosh, wait til he is 5 3/4 years old!! She's driving me crazy!!!! By the way, is that Bolt?