If you haven't read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle or seen Food, Inc., I totally recommend either. While they can both be a little preachy, the main message is good: Eat Locally. This year, Bryce and I made a goal to eat both healthier and more conscientiously. It helps that a lot of our friends are doing the same and we've been able to get some tips.
We've been getting all of our meat from local M&B Meats, and I can totally vouch for it's deliciousness. This spring, I also signed us up for a farm CSA through Borski Farms, which lets you buy shares of their crops. Every week through October, we get to pick up a bunch of delicious local veggies. We've been eagerly awaiting our first week, and were not disappointed. This week it was:
and Herb Starts
We're super excited to try some new things and support local businesses. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy me some Mac n' Cheese when the opportunity arises, but this feels good. If you don't have quite enough time to garden or go to the Farmer's Market every week - this is definitely a good option!
We've been getting all of our meat from local M&B Meats, and I can totally vouch for it's deliciousness. This spring, I also signed us up for a farm CSA through Borski Farms, which lets you buy shares of their crops. Every week through October, we get to pick up a bunch of delicious local veggies. We've been eagerly awaiting our first week, and were not disappointed. This week it was: