Cole has been pulling himself up on everything and cruising along couches, chairs, etc. for months now. He simply refused to let go of whatever he was holding on to, and Bryce and I were getting a little frustrated. We knew he could do it, he just had to decide he could.
Yesterday, he decided he could. Most of me is very excited for his progress while the other, more worried part, envisions crashes into walls and furniture.
We're very proud of him - great job, Cole!

Yesterday, he decided he could. Most of me is very excited for his progress while the other, more worried part, envisions crashes into walls and furniture.
We're very proud of him - great job, Cole!
You're in trouble now. He'll be running before you know it. Love his expressions - he's so proud.
Hooray, Cole!
Watch out, Mom and Dad. :)
That is so awesome!! I'm sure he'll run soon!! :)
Yeah! It's a fun stage. I don't think it is anymore worriesome than crawling. He is just a bit faster now.
Jonathan is just like that, I wonder when he will get the courage to let go too.
He will be breakdancing in no time.
Way to go Cole!
Isn't it funny how they only do things when they want to. He looks so cute and I can't wait to see him walk.
Aunt Randa
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