Monday, May 18, 2009

You Love 'Em, But...

You all know I love Cole. He's such a sweetheart, rarely cries, and has an adorable smile. But, as I found myself doing my upteenth load of laundry trying to get spit-up out of stuff, I was a wee bit miffed. Lately, he does this thing where he rolls on his tummy, spits up, buries his face back in it, and tries to suck it up. Disgusting, I know. So gross, I decided to take pictures (see below - only the strong of stomach should proceed). Anyway, my question for this week is what do your kids do that drives you up the wall and makes you wonder what you were thinking? And since animals are like perpetuals 2-year-olds, I include pets in this, too.


Cassie said...

Yikes Yell... this is really gross. Yet, how does he look cute even with goop all over his face? Amazing.

Heidi said...

No offense, but that is really disgusting. Luke spits up out his nose (pretty gross), and grunts half the night. Hannah is licking and eating random things like Clara's shoes and pieces of paper (which I think led to our latest gastro-intestinal fiasco). Clara, well, Clara is getting better which makes me think, maybe they do grow out of some of this stuff. Hang in there.

Strong Family said...

Yuck! It drives me up the wall that it takes my kids an hour or more to get dressed unless I babysit them. And the whole potty training thing with Tyler. Read my latest blog entry and you'll understand. And to get stuff out of clothes I have found that if you use spray and wash and use an old tooth brush to rub it in, and then use oxi-clean when you wash the clothes and then let the clothes sit in the water for about 20 minutes, that it will get the stain out. At least most of the time.

Shay said...

I love his smile while he has partially digested milk all over his face. Mmmm. Lately, Tage has been picking his nose and ...brace yourselves... eating it. Yuck! I am constantly getting after him for it. It drives me crazy. Afton has this fetish with shoes, not wearing them, but eating them. If we accidentally leave a pair out, she will eat them. In fact she is eating one right now! Argh! Protein, right?

jenn said...

Luke has been my hands-down worst offender of all things gross. Try on "pooping and then smearing it all over your room and body" for size. Totally, totally disgusting.

And yet, I'm having another! :)

Aprile said...

Gross, and funny! I am driven nuts by the fact that my 5 year old still can't wipe his bum very well. Every night we change into pj's and I get to see how bad the skid marks were for the day :(