Thursday, August 28, 2008

Loosing My Mind

So, I'm sitting at work this morning trying to figure out why my pants don't fit right. They seem so high in the front, and I don't remember there not being any pockets. Oh well, I figure, I'm just getting bigger and they don't fit the same way. A little while later, I make a pit stop to the restroom and discover why....

Yes, I'm wearing them backwards.

Apparently, it's going to be one of THOSE kind of days.


Strong Family said...

I have pants that I can't wear the last month of my pregnancy because I get so big. And I have never understood why pregnancy pants don't have pockets. What we don't have to carry anything anymore?!? Hope your last month goes well!

powellpig2000 said...

Backwards pants all the kids are wearing backward pants these days. Backwards pants are the coolest! Or something like that. I hope your day goes a little better.

Mom of three ♥ said...

Danielle, your posts just make my days! I love reading all the funny and great things that happen to you.. Glad you figured the pants thing out and hope you have a great rest of the day! I Can't believe you only have a month to go!! How exciting... Hope to you you tomorrow night??

Cassie said...


Oh, thank you. I needed that story today.

Stacey said...

My niece (who is 4) loves to wear her pants backwards! You guys can start a new trend. ;)
On another note, I've been known to wear two different shoes to work during this pregnancy. I didn't even notice until I got to work that I'd made an error in my closet! Thankfully, pregnancy won't last forever.

The Petterssons said...

That is a great story! You shouldn't have much of a problem with pants in a few months once little Thomsen is outta ya

jenn said...

That is so hilarious! You made my day (sorry if that is rude, but it's true!)

So awesome being pregnant.

sweet pickles said...

Backwards...frontwards... it's hard to tell with those maternity pants.

David and Jacquee said...

That is awesome. I wish I could have been there to laugh with ya.

Becky said...

That made me laugh out loud! Oh my goodness, girl. I promise that the crazy-mindedness will pass with pregnancy. ;)