Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Little Sad

Some of you may have heard of the Corner Canyon fire this week. The canyon is really close to our house, and it was crazy to see the hillside on fire. I know it wasn't a huge fire, but it was a little scary, and it made me especially grateful for the fire fighters willing to work through hot temperatures to put out those fires. I looked out my window the day after the fire, and was saddened to see the beautiful green hillside black and brown. These aren't the best pictures, but give you a little idea of what we see from our back porch.

Please allow me to get on my soapbox. :) If anybody is going camping for the Labor Day weekend, please be super-careful with fire. It's amazing to see what one small spark can do. Okay, off my soapbox - hope everyone has a great long weekend!


Mom of three ♥ said...

Wow, that is super scary! I did not realize that you were that close to the canyon. I am glad that they got it all out! Have a great weekend as well.

The Petterssons said...

I didn't realize that your house was that close to the fire. So glad they took care of it!

powellpig2000 said...
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powellpig2000 said...

Soap box back on: Fire safety tip of the day: Fire is a tool not a toy! Soap box off. I am glad they got it out. I am also gald it wasn't me hiking up the mountain to get it, but if you have a burning building sign me up!!

jenn said...

You could see the smoke and flames all the way from American Fork! It must have been pretty big. Glad they were able to put it out. Firefighters really are so amazing.

sweet pickles said...

Glad that fire didn't spread any further. For a while it looked like it was going to be crazy big.

Cassie said...

Poor little hillside.