Good Luck!
Our friends Mike & Heidi are moving to Spokane so Mike can wrap up his doctor schoolin'. On Friday, we were able to spend some time with them before they moved away. Shannon and Lance came too, and we had a great time. I became friends with Shan and Heidi in junior high, and have really valued their friendship over the years. They are such wonderful examples to me, and I'm so glad that they have found such happiness. Anyway, farewell to Mike & Heidi - good luck, and we'll see you soon!
How is it possible that you all look exactly the same? Fantastic.
I always liked those girls.
You better watch ONCE this week! I need you to understand why the "h" is forever more silent in "Thanks".
Watch it. Love it. Tanks!
I appreciate Cassie saying we all look the same, but if puffy, pregnant, and red nosed is how I looked, I have some serious problems.
I thought she meant we all looked the same...pregnant! Oh, well. The pictures are great.
I thought she meant we all looked the same...pregnant! Oh, well. The pictures are great. We'll miss you guys!
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