Friday, December 4, 2009

When Things Don't Quite Go Right

I really love Christmas, and was determined to do some fun things this year. So, when we got a coupon for a hay ride at Wheeler Farm's Festival of Lights, I thought it would be perfect. We picked Friday night because every other weekend until Christmas is busy. (Only 3 weeks - how did THAT happen?!) We arrived to find absolutely no one there and all of the food vendors, etc. still setting up. We bundled up and starting wandering around, but were very disappointed. I'm sorry, but there was no "Festival" in their lights, and if you advertise something opening at 6:00, it should be ready at 6:00.

Anyway, after awkwardly walking around in the freezing cold for fifteen minutes, we threw in the towel. Obviously nothing bad happened, but it wasn't the fun hay-ride-meeting-Santa festival I anticipated. If anybody does something fun, or knows of a good event, please let me know! (Preferably somewhere warm.) If you're considering going, you may want to wait until 7:00 or 8:00 for when the party gets going.

Oh well, here are the pictures I forced Bryce and Cole to take - I love how Cole is clearly not impressed.


Strong Family said...

Go to this website. It will tell you about a house you can go to in Murray with a synchronized light show. We went tonight and it was really neat. Also, if you are interested in singing Christmas Carols, there is the annual Larry H. Miller sing a long at ESA on the 21st. Its free and tons of fun. We went last year.

Mom of three ♥ said...

That is a bummer that you went and had to freeze for nothing.. But you got some cute pictures so that's good!

Josh and Anna said...

You could always come over to Zoolights! It isn't much warmer, but the lights are sure festive!

jenn said...

I hate when things don't go as planned...shucks.

jenn said...

ps- every year Chris takes the kids to see the lights at Thanksgiving Point while I go shopping. The best part is, you drive through the lights in your car! A little Christmas music, a nice warm car heater and you're set. :)

Shay said...

Thanks for the warning. I know exactly how you feel. I have had my own holiday plans fall short. There is still a lot of December left though.

Nancy Allen said...

These are memories though that you'll laugh about later and say, oh, do you remember when we went to Wheeler Farm.... You're right, Cole is not impressed. We do need to fit in the lights at Thanksgiving Point!