Christmas is my very favorite holiday, and the thing I love about it the most is how many fun things there are to do. This Christmas has been fantastic so far, with lots of good stuff going on!
On December 5th, our Book Club met to "discuss" our last book. (Basically an excuse to get together and have fun!) Tom and Stacey brought Grey, who is just adorable, and he and Cole had fun playing. I love that we still get together, and I enjoy branching out to different books than I would normally read.
That night, we also went to the Kelly's Annual Christmas Party. The live just kitty-corner from us, and have an awesome neighborhood party every year. I don't know how they fit all the people they do in their house, but they have delicious food and a crazy good gift exchange. I'm so glad they're willing to host!
On December 12th, Shan and Lance hosted their Christmas Party. My mom and dad took Cole for a much-appreciated sleep-over (thanks, guys!), and we had a fantastic time. Shan and Lance know how to throw a party! The best moment? Bryce and I won a prize for the best white elephant gift - a 365 day calendar entitled, "What Your Poo's Telling You." (On sale at your local retailer.)
On December 13th, the Thomsen's came over to make gingerbread houses.
Cole enjoyed making his first house:
Mitchell was so cute with Cole, following him around to make sure his shopping cart didn't get caught on anything and that he was doing okay.
Cole's day care had Santa come over - surprisingly, Cole was not a fan. They also gave each child their own stocking - complete with reindeer antlers!
On December 18th, Bryce, Cole and I went down to see the lights at Thanksgiving Point.
Bryce - agape with wonder.
Cole seemed to enjoy them.
Mom - not so much. Paying $8 to basically sit in traffic? Probably not next year.
I thought Cole would like the reindeer. Meh.
The best part of the night? Gingerbread Cake!
On December 19th, it was GNO - Christmas Edition! We ate at Cucina Toscana (DELICIOUS!), and enjoyed a fire at Kelly's Historical House of Wonder.

And finally, the 20th found us at Grandma Nancy's for the Barber Christmas Party. It's a mad house, but so much fun! Cole missed his nap, so I thought he'd be cranky. Nope - just very loopy - which was enjoyable for everyone. He loved being a shepherd in the nativity, and sang along with all the songs.

He enjoyed meeting his cousin Tyler, as this picture clearly demonstrates:
He loved opening...and riding...his gifts from the Dixons.

And we all loved spending time with family. Yay Christmas!!!
On December 5th, our Book Club met to "discuss" our last book. (Basically an excuse to get together and have fun!) Tom and Stacey brought Grey, who is just adorable, and he and Cole had fun playing. I love that we still get together, and I enjoy branching out to different books than I would normally read.
On December 12th, Shan and Lance hosted their Christmas Party. My mom and dad took Cole for a much-appreciated sleep-over (thanks, guys!), and we had a fantastic time. Shan and Lance know how to throw a party! The best moment? Bryce and I won a prize for the best white elephant gift - a 365 day calendar entitled, "What Your Poo's Telling You." (On sale at your local retailer.)
On December 13th, the Thomsen's came over to make gingerbread houses.
Bryce - agape with wonder.
What great shots of your Christmas activities - I loved the singing shepherd especially.
Christmas is my favorite holiday too.
Looks like you've done some great holiday activities so far. Have a wonderful Christmas!!!
You guys have had alot of fun parties! I am sad we didn't get our little group together this year for our "Alpha" party! Next year I guess. But we do need to have a GNO after the holidays for sure! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
Cole did have quite the personality on Sunday. I loved it. Look at that picture of you gals laighing in the historic house! I love it. Merry Christmas! Looks like you have celebrated it well... I kind of forgot about it this year.
Ah, so much fun festivities! I just love Christmas. Cole is such a cutie!
Cole really was a hit at the Barber party! Such a cute little Shepherd.
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