Cole has started standing on his own and has taken a couple of tentative steps. (The first ended in a face-plant onto tile - ouch!) As I was looking through his pictures, I couldn't get over how old he's looking. He's definitely not a baby anymore!
Already prepping for the teenage years.
Trying to put on mom's shoes.
I always thought this stage would be so hard, but it just keeps getting more fun. He loves to point at everything, and every bird he sees is "Geese." I'm getting excited for when he can actually talk and tell us what he thinks!
Already prepping for the teenage years.
He is so handsome! What a fun stage! It only gets better from here.
He does look big in those pictures! What a cutie and Steph is right it does only get better. We need to get together soon with everyone.. I know the next few months are busy, but let's see if we can plan something..
He is so cute!! Congrats on the first few steps. I'm sure he'll be running around before you know it. :)
You're right - were is our baby? What darling shots. So much personality comes through. Love it!
He is quite the little "Stud Muffin".Before you know it he will be driving and he can borrow Grandpa's Vette anytime!
I love the shot in his little button-up shirt and adorable shoes! But my favorite would be the one where it looks like he has just smelled your shoes. So funny! Can't wait until he starts talking more, makes you wonder what he is thinking!
In the last shot he looks about 17years old! When did this happen? He has the sweetest smile...
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