On Saturday, I took Cole to Cookie Cutters for his first official haircut. He's had the "Mommy Special" for the past year, and it was time for a real cut.
An airplane? Super cool!
I was so proud of him, he didn't get upset one bit. (Although you will notice the binkie - that was in case of melt-down.) He loved playing in the airplane and watching Mom blow bubbles at him. (And kudos to the stylist - I cannot begin to imagine what a challenging job that must be.)
My handsome little man. Congrats on your first haircut, Cole!!!
An airplane? Super cool!

Cute! Sawyer hates getting his hair cut and it's my sister in law who cuts it. I thought for sure he would be fine with her doing it, but everytime he freaks out when she gets the cutters out! Cole looks cute in the airplane, what a fun place!
Isn't that a fun place for haircuts? I took my girls there for Blakeney's first haircut and they both had a great time. He looks handsome with the new do! What a cutie!
He looks so grown up. Good job Cole! Looking forward to our big day on Wednesday!
I believe his first official haircut was actually a "Cousin-Cassie Special"... but it was a secret.
Such a handsome boy! I love cookie cutters. Best place ever for the dreaded haircuts!
What a handsome new "do". Isn't Cookie Cutters the best? Only place Luke will get his hair cut. :)
I think he just totallee grew up for me! Where did the time go?!
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