Cole hit his 10 month mark in August, and I can't believe he'll be one in a couple of months. He's crawling all over the house, waving, eating pretty much anything we give him, and saying "Dada" and "Mama." He's doing well in day care, and will be moving from the Infant room into the Wobbler room at the end of the month. I'm expecting quite a few more calls about bumps on the head and tumbles. He's developing quite a little personality, and I had to put down some of my favorite things about him.
He's got monkey toes. He'll pretty much grab anything with them. He even plays the piano with his feet instead of his hands.
He's loves to laugh and play chase and peekaboo.
He hates having his hands touched. I can barely hold on to him when I try to walk him around.
He loves to take things out of containers and put them back in. Here he is "helping" with the laundry.
He eats his shoes.
He snores.
And finally, the best part? I think the spit-up valve may have shut off! (Knock on wood.) Cole is such a good kid, and I know we're very lucky to have such an easy-going baby!
He's got monkey toes. He'll pretty much grab anything with them. He even plays the piano with his feet instead of his hands.
What a cute kid! He looks so big in the picture in his carseat. I can't believe he will be 1 soon!
What a cute post! Amazing that he'll soon be one!
He is such a cutie!
Cole has such a sweet face. He will be running in no time and taking sticks to your piano. You are so lucky to have this little guy and not all babies are easy going.
Great to see you all yesterday.
Aunt Randa
I can't believe how incredibly cute he is. Time flies, huh?! Pretty soon he'll be talking up a storm and charming the girls with those beautiful eyes he's got!
Wow- He is groing up fast! He is so cute. I am glad you are having so much fun!!
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