Many of you know my "mild preference" for all things neat, tidy, clean, and orderly. Well, I have been given an amazing tool in my pursuit of cleanliness. If you haven't heard of a wonderful little thing called the "Rainbow Vacuum," prepare to be amazed. Okay, maybe I'm being a little dramatic. My Aunt Randa invited me to a demonstration at her house, and I went with the firm intention I would not be pulled in. I sat stoically while the presenter displayed fantastic attachments and spoke of how fluffy and clean my floors would be. But then, she said one simple phrase, "It sucks up vomit - you don't even have to touch it!" I knew then that this magical vacuum must be mine.
Knowing of my feelings towards dirt, my heroic mother decided to surprise me with the vacuum as an early Christmas gift. Yesterday, I spent the entire night vacuuming floors, stairs, tile, window tracks, and banisters. Bryce quickly became tired of me coming to him with the water basin and making him look at all the gross hair, dust, and dirt I had picked up. Even today at work, I'm thinking of all of the other things I could clean tonight - maybe the couch cushions - or the blinds! Oh, the endless possibilities!
So, I would like to thank my mom from the bottom of my heart for such an awesome and truly appreciated gift. She is truly a woman after my own heart. Thank you, Mom!!!

That sounds pretty cool. You'll have to have a demonstration at your house sometime.
I'll have to look this thing up. By the way, Cole is such a cutie!
We had one growing up. I LOVED it. I loved how you could see all the dirt and grime in the water, and how you didn't get dust everywhere when you emptied it. It is truly an amazing vaccum.
We have a Spot Bot, not as cool as the Rainbow I'm sure, but it pulls crap out of the carpet and such. Anyway, it's amazing the thrill of seeing how disgusting the water is in the tank! Ewww!
Danielle - loved your explanation of the Rainbow. I was busy vacuuming the front porch last night, and the filters in my dryer with my new Rainbow. The water was so dirty I had to show Dad too - he was impressed. I'm so glad you like it - Merry Christmas!
What is the wonderful and amazing contraption, and how ridiculously expensive is it? I must have one!
Okay, I will be home everyday this week. If I happen to not be here, I will leave a key under the mat for you and your rainbow. I will email you very precise driving directions so you don't get lost, and I will provide day care for your cute little Cole. :)
Loved the Rainbow Vacuum-we used to have one growing up! If you ever run out of stuff to clean..... :)
The Rainbow... inspiring.
Oh yes. I have a pretty new one sitting in my closet now too. Best money I ever spent. Is this a sign we are getting old when we get excited about vacuums like this?
You had me at "vomit"
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