Jack has been looking forward to his birthday since before Christmas, and it just couldn't come fast enough for him. He was definite in his desires for this year's birthday:
1) Chubby Puppy: This is one of those times I really hate children's TV. There is a play set called Chubby Puppy (sadly, no, this is not what they call me at the beach) that features puppies. You know. Chubby ones. Jack saw a stuffed Chubby Puppy at the toy store and it's been at the top of his list for weeks. Most of his stories feature a hero named Chubby.
2) The Aquarium: Jack loves the aquarium. He is always up for a visit. Good thing we enjoy it too.
3) Doughnut Cake: This is my personal favorite of Jack's requests. I think a new tradition has been born.
We love you Jack! Your imagination is incredible, your smile contagious, and your love of others beautiful. Happy Birthday!