Sunday, August 19, 2012

Rated R

Last weekend, I completed a cake that I never thought I would ever....ever....make.  It was for a bachelorette party.  Ahem.  A slightly wild bachelorette party.  I'll let you make an educated guess about what shape it was.  But what you might not anticipate is that this certain...body part...was well-dressed.  In a tuxedo, in fact.  

Because, you know, the bride-to-be likes things classy.

So while I won't show the entire cake, I'll show you the tuxedo part.  And you can be properly impressed.  

Just try not to think about all the jokes Bryce and I came up with while I was making this cake.

The Many Faces of Jack

Cheesy crooked pumpkin face
 Share my rice with you? face
 Concentrating...tongue must come out face
 Big bite of dirt face

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

On Being Happy - Right Now

I found out today that one of my friends was involved in a major accident.  I heard first that she was involved in a car accident, but no more specifics.  Then, as I was watching the news this morning, a ticker crawled by which said, "A woman is in serious condition after being hit by a car on I-80.  She was retrieving a bike that had fallen off of her car."  That's when I realized she wasn't in a car accident, she was hit by a car.  A car probably going at least 60 miles an hour.  Most likely while her kids watched.

Life is shitty sometimes.

Jen is in a coma, already having had two brain surgeries.  Her husband posted an update that she has many broken bones and other injuries, but that the brain swelling is of the most concern.

Many broken bones.

As I grow older, it becomes more and more apparent to me that life can change so quickly.  Sometimes I wonder if I will look back at my life right now and think, "Those were the good times.  That was before XYZ happened."  Mostly then, I just get really depressed and stop thinking about that.  But not today.  Today I am thinking a lot about that.  And today I decided a few things:

Today, I will enjoy my kids.  Enjoy them for the individuals they are.  I will be happy that they are healthy.  

Today, I will hold my husband's hand.  I will tell him I love him - not as my usual thoughtless response - but because I really mean it.

Today, I will appreciate my parents.  I will think of the memories they are building for my children and be grateful.

Today, I will give my house a hug.  I will work to make sure it is a place of safety, security, and love.

And that's it.  That's all that matters.  Tomorrow can bring what it will, because I know that, for today, it was good. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pretty Much the Most Adorable Thing - Ever.

Friday night, Bryce and I went to a neighborhood BBQ.  While we were there, we struck up a conversation with a new couple.  As we talked about kids and jobs, the wife asked what kinds of games Bryce had worked on.  He went through the games that he had done at Disney, and then talked about working on Twisted Metal.

The woman's face lit up.

This is unusual - most people have no clue what the game franchise is, or think it's violent trash.  It turns out this woman has a 10-year-old son who absolutely loves the game.  

As we were getting ready to leave, she approached Bryce with a game jacket in her hands.  She nervously smiled at him and said, "My son was very excited when I told him I met someone who has worked on his favorite game.  He asked if you would autograph this game jacket." 

Cutest thing ever.  

Although, now Bryce can claim that he has been asked for his autograph.  I better make sure it doesn't go to his head.

New-found Love

It would seem that there are no perks to being in the business of Employee Relations, but I recently found otherwise.  I arrived at work one morning to find two VIP tickets for a concert at Red Butte sitting on my desk.  I was so excited to go and didn't even care who the bands were.

However, badness was going on at our house, and Jack came down with roseola the day before we were set to go.  He was up nearly the whole night screaming.  That day was pretty much horrible.  That afternoon, I called Cassie and offered up the tickets.  And she did something that I owe her a great deal of gratitude for:  she said no.  Not because she had other plans, but because she knew we would have fun and wanted us to go.

So that night, we dragged our tired, middle-aged (AH!) selves to the concert...

And had an amazing time.

The scenery, the people, the music - just being together!  It was pure heaven.  I went home refreshed and happy.  

So, a big thanks to you, Cass - you made our night!  And another big thanks to my parents, who were willing to watch the kids - despite their sick cooties.