Thursday, April 5, 2012

Rough Patch

Doesn't it seem like just when you have some idea of how to do this whole parenting thing - POOF - all that "knowledge" is incinerated in a firestorm of backtalk and acting out?

Now, obviously, I realize that I have a three and a half year old living in my home, so I expect some degree of illogical behavior. But these last couple of weeks have doubled-down on the crazy. Cole has:

Pushed Jack over
Thrown toys at the back of my head
Pulled kids off playground equipment
Thrown sand in kids' eyes
Thrown chairs in his classroom
Told his teacher, "You're a jerk!" when she told him to go potty

We have done time-outs, we have taken away toys, we have sent him to his room, yet the behavior continues. I'm attributing it to "The Perfect Storm" of change - Cole recently had strep throat, and now has a cold, he has a new teacher at school, and he hasn't been sleeping as well at night. Oh, yes, and did I mention he's three?

While I can see how all of that is contributing to his behavior, there's that little sinister voice whispering in my ear that my little boy is changing, that he'll always be like this, that this is just the beginning of something worse. I know in a few weeks, I'll look back and think, "Oh yes, that was rough, but he pulled through that awful phase." But that sinister voice doesn't think so. It thinks that something is terribly wrong and I'm missing something important.

I guess we'll just keep on plugging along, being firm and consistent, and see how it goes. And who knows, maybe if we dangle the "Easter Bunny Sees All" carrot, we'll see some improvement.

One can only hope. :)


Becky said...

Listen to your mommy instinct. Some times its the only thing that makes sense. The worst thing that can happen is you are wrong. Don't worry! It will get better in 15 years when you can kick him out! :)

jenn said...

You're a fabulous mom and Cole is a fantastic kid. REALLY, chalk it up to being 3. When Luke was about that age it got to the point that I couldn't take him places with me for fear he'd beat up the other kids. For real. And here he is, 6 years old, and a "model student" as his teacher calls him. He is so kind to the other kids.

Now if we could get him on board with being nice to his sisters...

Ignore the voice. It doesn't know what it's talking about!

Nancy Allen said...

You will look back and say, "Why was I worried?" He is going through stages where he is trying to discover who he is and what he's doing here. Love him lots and try to ignore most behavior! At three they don't understand the implications of what they say, but he'll get it soon enough. You are both doing a great job! Just keep him busy and active so he's too tired to misbehave.