Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Many Quirks of Cole...continued

New discoveries Cole has made:

Stuff goes in my mouth - no matter how big or how many times it makes me gag.
I love to read.

I enjoy holding my leg up while eating...the entire time.

I love growing. At four months, my six month clothes are just too small.
I ask you, "Why use your hands to do things your feet can do instead?"

I love to play the piano. See how serious I am?

How can you resist me?


Mom of three ♥ said...

Oh, he is just growing so fast! He is so so cute! We need to come visit you guys.

The Petterssons said...

He is so cute! I want to have one just like him one day

Strong Family said...

How cute! Tyler out grew his clothes fast too, I felt like I was always buying clothes, and it looks like Jonathan may be that way too. He is almost too long for his 3 month size clothes and he isn't even 4 weeks old yet.

David and Jacquee said...

He is so adorable and I love it how serious he is with the piano. So cute!

Cassie said...

He is so smart to use his feet. Practice for when he is older and needs to lay on the ground to move the piano with his feet. We all know the skill is in our family.

I couldn't believe how big he was yesterday!

Stacey said...

He is SOOO cute! Grey is starting to put his fists in his mouth. It cracks me up how he'll gag, cough and sputter and go right back to eating his fists. It is so fun to see his cute personality!

jenn said...

He really is simply irresistable. What cute pictures of your cute little guy.

Jenessa said...

Wow...he's so big already! I love his big blue eyes! What a cutie!

Kelly Porter said...

I want to put him in my mouth... even if it makes me gag.

Lauren said...

Yay, I'm back in the loop! Isn't it fun to see all the things they discover without us ever having to teach them? It's so cool!