Monday, July 17, 2017


Remember how I said we were stupid for getting a puppy? Yep. We were. The first two weeks Cricket was home were the most challenging ever (including having new babies). People kept saying, "Oh, having a puppy is like having a new baby."  And I kept saying, "Nope. My babies actually slept for 2-3 hours at a time." This little girl DID NOT. The only time she would sleep at night was if I laid right next to her crate. Then, someone at my work said just to put a puppy pad in the crate and let her be upset all night. So, Bryce and I set up an air mattress in the basement (it was the furthest away from our bedroom), and let her go all night. The next morning, I opened our bedroom door and was greeted with the WORST SMELL I'VE EVER SMELLED, Y'ALL. Cricket had basically pooped all over in the crate and then rolled around in it.  That morning, I told Bryce something had to change or we had to take her back. 
Enter Innovate K-9. They came and picked her up for five days. She came home for a weekend, and then was back for a week and a half.
She came home being okay with her crate (she will never love it, but she tolerates it), and a lot more low-key. It was life-saving. And I was able to see the other side and to actually enjoy having her in our home.
Takeaway? Puppies are not for pussies. 

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