Friday, January 3, 2014

Barber Christmas Party

What would Christmas be without the Barber Christmas party?  As a child, I lived for this party - and it wasn't truly Christmas until we had it.  It's so much fun to see all the little kids enjoy it as much as we did.

Check out that table full of blonde boys!
Hugs from Pa are the best...
And of course, the Barber party is not complete without a telling of the nativity.  The boys were excited to participate.  Who knew there were ninja shepherds?
In Jack's case, we were lucky just to get a picture with the head-dress on.
The beautiful music provided, as always, by my mom.
This year, the reading of the nativity went digital.
How adorable is "Baby Jesus?"  Seriously, who can resist those curls?
A group shot, with little Hallie leading the singing.
It's hard to sit still sometimes...
It was definitely a great night!

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