Sunday, March 31, 2013

Caution? Meh.

It's been so interesting to see the differences between Cole and Jack.  I have loved experiencing their unique personalities.  

That being said, sometimes Jack makes me tired.

He has no fear.  No hesitation.  "No" is a word that is not absolute.  You turn your back on him for one minute, and he will be into something that you would swear you had put somewhere impossible for him to get to.  

However, he does it all with a huge smile on his face.

This picture says everything you need to know about Jack.  Him, leaping off whatever he's climbed up on, and me frantically racing to catch him.  

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I absolutely love it! This one entered the world with no fear. We all say this coming. Come to my house if you ever need a nap :)