Sunday, March 31, 2013

Cole's Creations

For about 2 weeks, Cole went through a phase.  I remember it as his "Hoarding and Creating" phase.  Straws, paper cups, strips of paper, tape (rolls and rolls of it); it was all up for grabs.  99% of me loved seeing what he created and was impressed by his imagination.  1% cringed at the waste and resented having every single surface of our house look like this:

But, it was a cheap obsession, so can I really complain?

His Father's Son - 2nd Edition

And the fixation with the computer begins.

Caution? Meh.

It's been so interesting to see the differences between Cole and Jack.  I have loved experiencing their unique personalities.  

That being said, sometimes Jack makes me tired.

He has no fear.  No hesitation.  "No" is a word that is not absolute.  You turn your back on him for one minute, and he will be into something that you would swear you had put somewhere impossible for him to get to.  

However, he does it all with a huge smile on his face.

This picture says everything you need to know about Jack.  Him, leaping off whatever he's climbed up on, and me frantically racing to catch him.  

First Haircut

Just a little off the top, ma'am.

Friday, March 8, 2013


I wish that I could say that the last couple of months have been a whirlwind of exciting trips, new adventures, and tons of pictures.  You know, have a good reason for not blogging for a while.  And, I guess in some ways, it has been a whirlwind....of sickness.

Snotty noses, coughing attacks through the night, fever spikes, throw-up (oh the humanity, the throw-up), and nasty diaper surprises.  At least one person in our family has been sick every week since the start of January.  And I know we're not alone - this year has been rough for everyone.  

However, March has come, and with it the enticing aroma of freedom.  Freedom from humidifiers, tissues scattered all over every surface, and the dreaded cries in the middle of the night.  So hang on! becomes my mantra.  And soon, I'll be complaining about sanding down my patio furniture, cleaning out the flower beds, and trying to plant veggies.  

But none of those things involve throw-up, so I'm alright with that.