Friday, May 27, 2011

At Home

We couldn't believe that Jack was coming home, and were so excited. Wednesday, we headed to the NICU for (knock on wood) the last time. We got our marching orders, said farewell to the nurses, and loaded Jack into the car seat. (At which point, I thought, "I cannot believe they are letting me take home this tiny baby!")I drove Jack home while Bryce picked up Cole. When he got home and saw his little brother, he got a huge smile on his face and kept laughing. The boys gave each other Build-a-Bears - it's amazing how presents can start things off on the right foot.
Jack is doing fantastically, and is adjusting to life at home pretty well. He is now up to 4 pounds 11 ounces, and I'm excited for him to break that 5 pound mark. Cole is a very concerned older brother, and is constantly peaking in Jack's crib and asking, "Is he doing okay?"

We absolutely love having him home, and life feels a bit more "normal" now. I am so glad that we are on the other side, and looking back, I realize how truly blessed we are. So many things could have happened that didn't. I am truly grateful for all of the love and support we received, and for those fantastic nurses at the NICU for loving and caring for Jack like he was their own.

Now, it's time to move on. I will take the advice of the wise Mumford and Sons:

"Get over your hill and see what you find there, with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair."


Heidi said...

Wow, he looks so tiny in that carseat. I'm glad to hear he is growing so well and everyone is adjusting well to having him home. Please call if you need anything at all!

Mom of three ♥ said...

So glad he is home with you now! He is just so tiny and cute!

Kelly Porter said...

I'm glad you have this blog. I've been thinking about you a lot and this gives me a chance to "see" how you are doing. I cannot wait to meet Jack Wednesday!!!!

Becky said...

Oh my!!! He is SO tiny!!!
Congrats on taking him home!!

jenn said...

Best blog post. Ever. :)

So happy Super-Jack is home, safe and sound and that you are enjoying all that wonderful family time. Hugs to you!

Cassie said...

I am so happy that itty-bitty thing is home with you. I am going to try and get to your house sometime this week. I have to hold him before he hits that 5 pound mark! And ending with a Mumford and Sons lyric? You know that way to my heart...

Nancy Allen said...

Jack continues to amaze us - and Cole continues to reach out as Jack's protector and concerned big brother. You have done well with these two little ones. You are a terrific Mom and Bryce is a terrific Dad.

The Petterssons said...

So happy that he's home and growing so quickly!