Bryce and I were very excited to get another ultrasound yesterday. It was relieving to find out everything looks good and baby #2 is growing just fine. We had hoped to see a little bit of the baby's personality, but all we got was a whole lot of this:
Arms and legs. Basically, he had his arms covering his face the whole time and his legs curled up around his head. With Cole, it was like he was lounged back in a hammock. This one wouldn't uncurl one tiny bit. With a little maneuvering, we were able to finally see a little bit of a profile and a foot.
We just had to laugh. I was so happy to find out everything was going well and am so excited to meet this little guy!

I have a hard time making heads or tails of these photos - but so glad everything is good! We too are sooooo excited to meet our new little grandson! Glad Mom is doing fine as well.
So cute! I love the little foot! Just goes to show that already in the womb, this little guy is going to be so different from Cole. I know Afton was such a wiggler unlike her brother and she is the same way today.
His arms and feet sure look cute! Glad to hear all is going well. :)
Loving that foot.
Glad it all looks well.. I wished I could see more Ultrasounds of my little girl. I was o use to getting one all the time with the twins and I haven't had one since we foudn out she was a girl in early December!! Owell, one more month and I will get to meet her in person!
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