At 21 weeks, it's good to say I've passed the halfway mark! My due date was moved from June 17th to the 26th, so we'll have to wait a bit longer for this little one to make his appearance. I decided to take a "belly shot" for you all.
Hmmm...anything missing? Yep, that's right. The belly. It was the same with Cole, but I thought this one might be a little different. In the past week, I've had the following comments:
"Are you SURE you're due in June?"
"If you hadn't told me you were pregnant, I would have no idea."
"I totally forgot you were pregnant!"
Now, this is all well and good, but it brings up a sticky situation. Because people forget, they tend to ask me to do things they may not ask a clearly showing lady. Things like:
"Can you carry this incredibly awkward/heavy thing for me? Oh, and it needs to go upstairs."
"You can smell that? Oh, it's just some heavy duty cleaner I spilled by an open vent. It's not bothering you, is it?"
"Could you help me set-up/tear-down this special event? It should only take a couple of hours..."
So, my question is, how do I tactfully answer these requests? I don't want to be the whiny pregnant lady who refuses to do anything, but I also don't want to get hurt. Any suggestions?
"Are you SURE you're due in June?"
"If you hadn't told me you were pregnant, I would have no idea."
"I totally forgot you were pregnant!"
Now, this is all well and good, but it brings up a sticky situation. Because people forget, they tend to ask me to do things they may not ask a clearly showing lady. Things like:
"Can you carry this incredibly awkward/heavy thing for me? Oh, and it needs to go upstairs."
"You can smell that? Oh, it's just some heavy duty cleaner I spilled by an open vent. It's not bothering you, is it?"
"Could you help me set-up/tear-down this special event? It should only take a couple of hours..."
So, my question is, how do I tactfully answer these requests? I don't want to be the whiny pregnant lady who refuses to do anything, but I also don't want to get hurt. Any suggestions?
"Sure, I will be completly willing to help, if you help me!!" Or, sorry, I am not feeling too well today, but I will happily find someone else to help you!!
(By the way, I will happily help you out by sharing some of my ever expanding belly!!!
You should stick one of those "baby on board" signs to your shirt. j/k
As far as lifting heavy things, It has been awhile, but I am pretty sure you aren't suppose to lift over 25 lbs? Sounds like you need to remind them "doctor's orders" you aren't suppose to (fill in the blank).
Good luck!
I would just remind the people that are saying this that, Oh, I would love to help you with that but remember I am pregnant and really shouldn't be lifting the heavy things! I would not be shy in coming right out and telling them "again" that your pregnant! If it were me I would do it. :)
You look fantastic! I wish i knew how to answer those questions, i would feel just like you!
What you need Danielle is a well placed freak-out. Find a suitable moment when there are several people around and someone asks you to do something overly strenuous,etc. Go off, yell, gesture with you hands with wild a look in your eye. Then, regaining your senses calmly ask, "I'm sorry, what did you need help with?" Problem solved...being labled as "hormonal" isn't that bad.----Tom
Just say--
"Yo. I be pregnant. Remember? I ain't doing shit."
That should go over well :)
You look sooo good! I guess you could always stuff a pillow in your shirt;) Good luck and for sure, don't take too much on yourself right now!
My favorite comments are from Shay and Jenessa. What great ideas! You should totally do those.
Oh and I meant to put that loved Cassie's too. Do any of those 3.
Loved Cassie's suggestion! No need to feel embarrassed or whiny - remember you have a little person you are trying to protect. Let the mother lion instinct take over and simply say "NO, are you kidding - do you want me to lose the baby?"
You look terrific - when are we going shopping for a couple of new outfits?
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