It's a...
That's right - I remain the lone princess in the house of Thomsen! Everything looked great on the ultrasound, which was such a relief. Baby boy is measuring a little small, so they may move my due date back a week from June 17th, but we'll have to wait and see. In the meantime, we're very excited and trying to think of names. Cole's suggestions were "Zackey," followed shortly by "Hikey."
Pics to follow shortly...
Pics to follow shortly...
Congrats again, so exciting! I love the cake too, you are so talented!
Hikey. Go with Hikey. Luke wanted to name Evan "Baby Soap". :)
Congratulations! I am so happy for you!
Congratulations-how exciting! Our babies will only be a couple of months apart-no more excuses, we'll have to get together for play dates! The cake looks divine, but the way!
When did you find time to make such a darling cake? You are too much! Hikey - ummmm - not sure I like that one, but who can argue with the Colester? Dad and I are soooo excited for another little one!
So fun! I'm happy Cole will have a little buddy to hang out with and grow up with. When my aunt was pregnant her kids suggested Mario, Spongebob, and Diego as possible names for their new brother. So if Hikey doesn't work out, maybe look into those:)
Hickey Thomsen. It does have a nice ring to it...
Two boys will be so fun! They are going to be so rough and tumble with each other. Congrats again!
Hurray for the Thomsens!! Congratulations Danielle :)
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