We are so excited to announce:
Baby #2 is due June 17th!

We really wanted to wait to announce it until Christmas - but who knew waiting would be so hard? We're very excited and are trying to enjoy every moment. Cole says he wants a baby sister, so we'll see what we can do. :)
Congrats! Hope you're feeling well.
I love his little face, he looks very excited:) Congrats Danielle, I hope you get a girl too!
Yay! It's the year of the babies! Congratulations-please keep us updated! We'll for sure have to have play dates now!
So excited for you guys! I love Cole's cute shirt, I have shirts for my kids that say Big Sister and Big Brother! Congrats again, so many cute babies will be coming this year!
Sister. Brother. Who cares! Baby #2 is good either way! So excited for you, Yell.
Hooray! Congrats!
Yay congrats! I guess my lil babies are so darn cute that when you saw them you wanted another one :)
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