Sunday, August 22, 2010


Bryce and I put Cole down for a nap. We thought he was sleeping. We were wrong.

Instead, he was smearing handfuls of Vaseline into his hair.I figure it's going to take a good week to get it all out. On the bright side, his hair will not lack for shine!


jenn said...

Luke totally did this once with pomeade. Biggest mess ever. Good choice on your product, Cole. Shine on.

Shay said...

So cute!

Heidi said...

Oh, how can you get upset with a face like that? So sweet.

Andrea said...

Oh my gosh! That is so funny! Love your attitude about it. :)

Josh and Anna said...

That's awesome! At least it was just on his body, and not all over his room! Could have been worse!

Tammy said...

That is hilarious. Glad you thought to grab your camera!

Lili said...

Ha ha ha!!! So funny!

Cassie said...

He just wanted a little spa treatment. We all do. It is fine.