Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cole's Translation Guide

"Moe" = More [insert food item] please. The last two pancakes I inhaled just aren't enough.
"Da" = An interchangeable reference to Dad, Mom, and myself.
"Man" = Iron Man.
"Bits" = Binks. (Yes, I know when they start asking for it, they're too old. Don't you judge me!)
"Uck" = Pick me up - now. Especially if you're right in the middle of making dinner.
"Bahoo" = Balloon. I would like one. So I can scratch it with my nails and drive mommy crazy wondering when it's going to pop.
"Beh Buon" = Belly button. I'm like the Pillsbury Dough Boy - push on my belly button and I giggle.

Words needing no translation: Books, Ball, Duck, Eyes, Hi, Bye, Bunny, and Fish.


Randa Pickle said...

I love it when they start talking. Mom and Dad actually know what they are saying or meaning. He is getting too big.

Aunt Randa

Mom of three ♥ said...

Loved seeing all the new posts! Cole is just getting too big. And don't worry about the binks thing, because my kids still have theirs! I just got them off their bottles at the first of the month so I am waiting to take their binks away for a bit longer!

Stacey said...

So cute! He is getting so big!

Nancy Allen said...

That's my grandson - cute and smart to boot. I can't wait until he says, "Grandma Nancy."

Heidi said...

He's getting so big, I can't wait to see him next week! Such a fun age.

jenn said...

Ah, too cute! I just want to squeeze him.

Cassie said...

Sometimes I wish I were a kid again. I wouldn't even have to speak coherently to be adored! So CUTE, Yell.

Beck said...

He is so adorable. Love the translations. You are adorable too :)