Friday, June 12, 2009

Lesson Learned

Take one lovely Friday night.
Add delicious s'more ingredients,
And a husband willing to indulge his wife's whims,
And you've got....
Add in one vengeful Mother Nature determined to ruin the first rain-free night in a week,
And now you've got....
Indoor S'mores.
You've won this round, Mother Nature.


Jenessa said...

Isn't all this rain getting ridiculous? Oh well--glad you made the most of the situation. Looks like the smores still turned out great!:)

Strong Family said...

Yah, mother nature sure seems to have gotten in the way recently! But a smore is a smore. YUm....

Aprile said...

Aaargh! Tell me about it! I signed up the boys for their very first swim lessons at the Logan outdoor pool.....It has rained all but one day of our lessons. Good thing my kids like getting wet!

Nancy Allen said...

Smores unfortunately are good even indoors - all that chocolate and marshmello - YUMMO!

Love the expressions.


Cassie said...

This rain is getting really dumb. So over it.