Monday, June 11, 2012


"I'm a super hero.  Do you know what a super hero does?  They put the safety of others first."

"Hey, what's this in my penis?  They're beans!"  (Followed by a discussion of what the rest of all that business is.  Bryce got to take care of that conversation.)

"Can we find a picture of a volcano erecting on the computer?"

For show and tell at school, Cole brought a golf club, which he refers to as his "zombie brain shooter."  When his teacher asked where he got it from, he said, "From the Chinese."  No clue where that came from.

I took Cole to the bathroom at a restaurant, and there was a girly pop-song playing on the radio.  He said, "I like this song.  This is a good song for me to go potty to."

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I have been talking about Cole non-stop since Saturday. Man he cracks me up!