Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Before our surprise appearance of baby Jack, we had purchased tickets for Thomas the Train Day at the Heber Valley Railroad. My mom, with her super awesome connections, had obtained a two-room suite at Stein Erikson, and we had decided to stay the night before the train ride. With the doctor's go ahead, we decided to go through with our plans.

I envisioned swimming by the pool, walks through the mountains, and all around sunshine, but instead, we got this:So we relaxed and carried on as usual with a little of this:And that:We threw in jumping on the bed,And pillow fights.The next morning, Pa, Cole, Bryce, and I set out for the railroad. (Thanks go out to Nana, who obliging tended Jack!) And thanks to Bryce's trust in Google maps, we soon got lost. Our ride time was at 10:30. 10:29 saw me running, with stroller slung across my back, to get on the train. And yes, I had to run past the entire trainload of passengers staring at me out the windows. I was not pleased.It was cold. The train ride was short and never went over about 2 miles an hour. The tickets were ridiculously expensive. But somehow, this face made it worth it.We met up with Bill, Carrie, and Isak, who were so sweet about us being an hour late to the station. We played trains:Golfed:
And attempted to get the boys to take "just one!' picture together. We did not succeed.
We ended the day with a trip to McDonalds and lots of laughter.Not too shabby, let's just hope that warmer weather is on the way!


Cassie said...

A relaxing weekend indoors isn't too shabby either. But I get you.... I want some sunshine!

Andrea said...

I'm so glad that Jack was able to come home!!! I'm a little slow on reading my "private" blogs. So....congratulations!!

Nancy Allen said...

We had a terrific time in Park City with our little family, and so glad Jack was able to make the trip. I missed the train ride with Cole - but so glad you both got to go. Dad's favorite part was lunch and watching Cole and Isaac laugh it up.

Mom of three ♥ said...

That is way fun! I wanted to take my kids too, but since I had just had Sophie a week before we decided to wait till next year! Glad that you all had fun, and the hole google map thing is totally something Lance would have done and I would have been annoyed as well running to catch the train! Men and thinking that they know what they are doing!! haha, jk :)