Wednesday, February 9, 2011


While driving in the fog:
C: What's all this?
Me: Fog - it's everywhere!
C: Oh. I can hardly see with all these foggies!

C: I drove a car at the tire store.
Me: Yes, you did. Did you drive fast?
C: No. I drove slow & carefully.

C: I want a puppy.
B: A real one?
C: Yes.
B: Will you let it sleep with you in your bed?
C: No. He will sleep in my arms.

While changing his clothes, Cole was kicking at me and his foot got caught in my bra:
C: Mama! Why are you wearing a seat belt?

Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
C: I'm gonna be a doggy when I grow up!

And finally, the random question of the day:
C: Do we point at people when they take off their shirts?


jenn said...

:) :) :)

Thanks for making my day!

Kelly Porter said...

kids say the most awesome things!

Lili said...

ha ha ha! the last two are hillarious!

Nancy Allen said...

I haven't been on your blog for some time, so missed the last two. Cole is really getting witty with his comebacks, and seems to think through everything. I love it!!!!!

Nancy Allen said...

I haven't been on your blog for some time, so missed the last two. Cole is really getting witty with his comebacks, and seems to think through everything. I love it!!!!!

Cassie said...

OK... the last question... that is the best thing I have heard in YEARS! The question is... how did you answer?

I say yes. We do point.

Shay said...

Too Cute! Is there a lot of shirt taking off in your house?
On an unrelated subject - I think you should throw up one of the pea pod count down clocks on your sidebar. I need a visual for when cute baby number 2 is coming!

Cassie said...

Yesterday, I read these all to Jonathan... and boy did we laugh. I cried a little. Such a sweet little boy.