Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Weddings = Madness

I've spent the last two nights covered in powdered sugar, racing around the kitchen, and washing the same dishes over and over again. Things got bad last night when one of my cakes tore. Bryce (sweetheart that he is) kept saying it would be okay and it wasn't a problem.

I yelled in reply that it definitely WAS a problem.

The wedding's on Thursday.

What, oh what, was I thinking?


Shay said...

Good Luck tomorrow. Call me tomorrow if you need anything, powder sugar run, moral support, or someone to vent to. I am sure it will turn out fabulous! And just think what a sense of accomplishment when it is done, we should celebrate! Ice cream on me!

jenn said...

Deep breath...I know it will be FABULOUS. You can do it!!!